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New Painting Begins! + Thoughts of the day

Temporarily calling this one Mr Bluesky because it started out looking like a blue sky. I apply a rough layer of white and begin to notice some directions I can take it. A human heart shape emerges in my vision and I roll with it. I began painting the outline and some cloud emerged. Bottom left started to remind me of a patchy tree texture, I emphasize this with key brush strokes. Underside webbing like a leaf in the sun, shapes emerge on the right, like strange, veiny mushroom bottoms. Curvered chords, there on the left.

I wanted more contrast around the borders of the heart shape. I could start to see this was a landscape with lava turning to smoke up the bottom. There seem to be dynamic cliffs on either side. It fades back within the human heart shape as the landscape fades to a sky. Among other things seen.

Thoughts of the day:

(Not necessarily having anything to do with the artwork process.)

Happiness is Honoring the True Self

  • Growth mindset is important to living the best life, focus more on ways you can grow or be learning about yourself, and not as much on how much the world around you looks alike or unalike what you would wish it to.

  • The presence of mind to be always tuning into your deepest values helps you honor your values and correlate personal happiness to your spirit actually being happy to have been honored by your choices reflecting your deepest values. Your spirit living by your spirits values means your spirit is free to be itself with total alignment by the mind and body.

  • This is a switch from figuring out how to manifest things to how to better align with your values and use your current options as the opportune playground for your personal growth.

  • You can imagine that it is in all the areas that you tend to struggle, that your lessons are there. The good news is, generally, it’s always the same lesson, what would you do if you were honoring all of your deepest values? Well, are you doing that?

  • You may be as happy as you are honoring your deepest core spiritual values. These emerge moment by moment from a sense of knowing what is right, everything that is honoring your values in other words. Honoring your values is honoring your true self.

  • A general list of your values helps you know who you are, but the most important choice to be made, the most honoring of core values of choices, would not be something you follow a rule to adhere to, it would be that which you KNEW IN THE MOMENT when the choice was to be made was honoring your spirit, your core values, as it was felt.

  • One of the main issues with being yourself is the defiant and rebellious mind which insists it should have things a certain way in its world. To where that becomes more important than whether or not you are living your deepest values, therefor being your true self, therefor are the happiest version of you by default.

  • We want it to feel safe to be our true self at all times.

  • Side missions such as power seeking are really just desperate attempts to believe in yourself, so what if you just believed in yourself? Whatever would emerge then according to honoring your deepest values would naturally be what happened. Self belief is 100% investment of our spiritual presence into self, which is 100% incarnating into our body! You’ve got to be “do-or-die” except there’s no die, it’s all do! 100% investment in your own life!

  • We’re not meant to have control over life all the time, we’re meant to recognize lessons and grow. Those lessons are about how to honor and BE our true selves. A big part of that is awareness of our spiritual core values so we are attuned to them, and honoring them can become more frequent and we can grow in awareness of our true nature and unite the will in our mind to our spiritual will, simply through awareness and the conscious effort to honor our values when we recognize them. We become more and more intuitive as our deepest values inform us more than our stubborn minds.

  • Happiness is in honoring the true self.

  • Honoring the true self is assisted by honoring the values of the true self.

  • Honoring our true values is only possible with awareness of them.

  • Our true values are ever present and seek to be honored at all times of choice.

  • In every moment your spirit is informing you of who you are, by what you most deeply value. Whether it is integrity, loyalty, persistence, forgiveness, or actual people or relationships that you value, these are things which hurt not to honor, like stabbing yourself emotionally.

  • By living according to our true values, honoring the true self, heeding your present-tense intelligence (which serves to help you REALize your values), we are our happiest self as well. Spiritually we can breathe.

  • Living according to your spirit means: The depth of breath your spirit can take deepens the more you honor your deepest values. FEELING ALIVE!

  • Your Spirit becomes stronger and more present when the life it is living allows it to be aligning with its values!

  • Control and Ignorance can cause a feeling of spiritual suffocation. With ignorance it’s because you don’t realize how you are working against yourself. With Control it is because you don’t trust yourself. So spiritual breathing is about Knowing yourself (anti-ignorance) and Trusting yourself (Anti-control).

  • “Today my spirit got to Breathe! So it is a good day!

  • Every moment is a fresh opportunity to simply pay attention to what your most honorable self would do. What would you do if it were something you for sure would be glad you did by how thinking about it feels? You can start there.

  • A stubborn persona (personality construct) doesn’t allow the spirit to breathe as much because it is an artificial constraint on our natural self by having a rule book about how one is allowed to behave and ways one simply must not or they might destroy the image they project of themselves out into the world.

  • Personas of this sort are prisons we construct for ourselves to keep ourselves feeling secure within an established identity. Ego feels safe but spirit may feel constrained.

  • The hardest part of change in the direction of being your most authentic self is the first step. It’s a leap of faith. But after that it is actually conserving your energy because you no longer spend all day holding up a fabrication of who you are, of who you are allowed to be. The thing that initially took so much to work yourself up to do suddenly becomes life giving and you are recharge by doing it, not drained, because your spirit is more present, enthusiastic, engaged, because it is getting to live by truth; unconstrained.

  • The true “ideal” life is not about the external circumstances as much as it is about honoring our deepest spiritual core values and letting that construct our lives.

  • Our spiritual core values are not a law book, they are actual recognition of what we truly value THE MOST. What we ACTUALLY care about in our hearts. The things it makes us HAPPY to honor, to embody.

  • James

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